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Alcohol Training
Alcohol Training
How do I get my Florida Responsible Vendor certificate?
To get your Responsible Vendor certificate in Florida, you must first complete an alcohol seller-server course and pass the final exam. Once you do, you will get your certificate of completion immediately. You can give this to your employer to verify your training. Enroll in our Florida alcohol server-training course today to get started.
Alcohol service involves many risks. This course prepare yourself to handle these risks with responsible alcohol training. In addition, this Course provides the fundamentals of responsible alcohol service by combining interactive exercises, role-play activities to help prepare participants for real-life scenarios. Designed for convenience.
Course Description
Alcoholic beverage service and operation laws for each establishment
Effects of alcoholic beverage on the body, individual behavior and motor vehicle operation
Methods for recognizing and dealing with underage customers
Effects of controlled substances on the body, behavior and motor vehicle operations
Effects alcohol combination with the use of controlled substance
Methods for dealing with customers and employees who use or traffic in controlled substance
Legal responsibilities of sellers-servers
Risk to serving minors and intoxicated patrons
Who Should Attend And Benefit From Taking The Course
Employees with responsibilities in control bars, waiters, servers, Bartenders, Cashiers ,Sommeliers and wine servers, Hospitality workers, Catering workers, Event organizers and Other workers in alcohol sales .
Bar and restaurant managers and Assistant must understand licenses may be revoked or suspended for violations, State mitigation benefits for violations against the establishment, insurance companies offer a reduction on the liquor liability premiums.
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